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Caixa Mágica Infantil
Building and empowering communities
This project main objective is to tackle and promote the lack and benefits of children's literature in Guinea-Bissau.
Guinea-Bissau is a small country in West Africa; sharing a border with Senegal and Guinea-Conakry.
As a born and raised Guinean, I can vouch, for I have a profound knowledge of the difficulty’s children are faced with in their daily life.
I believe with the right tool in the hand of any child; starting with “one-Book-at-time”. We can strive to improve and empower them to a greater future ahead. I started this project with “one-book-at-time” in the child’s hand.
I intend to write and sell, as many of my African Heritage Fairy tales’ stories that were once told to me by my parents and elders. This project is to help bring those children to a brighter and stronger future that they deserve.
Caixa Magica Infantil is counting on your support, by purchasing “one-Book-at-time” and any other items related in making this project possible. Your contribution will be highly appreciated, towards making this project achievable and making this childhood dream of mine of changing the World a reality…